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Dark Ages





Australian Horror

Australian Horror Films

Recommended Viewing

Australian Monsters




The 2005 Spec. Fic Snapshot


KJ Bishop

Jack Dann

Will Elliott

Richard Harland

Robert Hood

Martin Murphy & Ian Iveson

Christian Read

Cameron Rogers

The Spierig Brothers

Peter Weir

Kim Wilkins


Finding Carnacki the Ghost Finder

Pilots into the Unknown



Agog! 1

Agog! 2


Epiphanies of Blood


Passing Strange

Southern Blood


The Boys

The Roly Poly Man

Wake in Fright


809 Jacob Street, by Marty Young

After The Bloodwood Staff, by Laura E. Goodin

The Art of Effective Dreaming, by Gillian Polack

Bad Blood, by Gary Kemble

Black City, by Christian Read

The Black Crusade, by Richard Harland

Black Days and Bloody Nights, by Greg Chapman

The Body Horror Book, by C. J. Fitzpatrick

Clowns at Midnight, by Terry Dowling

Dead City, by Christian D. Read

Dead Europe, by Christos Tsiolkas

Devouring Dark, by Alan Baxter

The Dreaming, by Queenie Chan

Fragments of a Broken Land: Valarl Undead, by Robert Hood

Full Moon Rising, by Keri Arthur

Gothic Hospital, by Gary Crew

The Grief Hole, by Kaaron Warren

Grimoire, by Kim Wilkins

Hollow House, by Greg Chapman

My Sister Rosa, by Justine Larbalestier

Path of Night, by Dirk Flinthart

The Last Days, by Andrew Masterson

Lotus Blue, by Cat Sparks

Love Cries, by Peter Blazey, etc (ed)

Netherkind, by Greg Chapman

Nil-Pray, by Christian Read

The Opposite of Life, by Narrelle M. Harris

The Road, by Catherine Jinks

Perfections, by Kirstyn McDermott

Sabriel, by Garth Nix

Salvage, by Jason Nahrung

The Scarlet Rider, by Lucy Sussex

Skin Deep, by Gary Kemble

Snake City, by Christian D. Read

The Tax Inspector, by Peter Carey

Tide of Stone, by Kaaron Warren

The Time of the Ghosts, by Gillian Polack

Vampire Cities, by D'Ettut

While I Live, by John Marsden

The Year of the Fruitcake, by Gillian Polack

2003 EyeScream Film Festival

2004 EyeScream Film Festival

2005 EyeScream Film Festival

2007 A Night of Horror Film Festival


Under the Blue Moon, 2008

Alison's Birthday

The Boys

Carmilla Hyde



Dangerous Game

Dark Age

Dead End Drive-In


The Last Wave

Lost Things

The Long Weekend


Summer of Secrets


Wake in Fright

Hearts in Atlantis


Modern Day

The Dark Ages: A History of Horror

On the Page

On the Screen


Australian Comics


Australian Horror

Thylacine, by Michael Connolly

Some horrors are universal, or certainly global, but individual countries still produce unique and recognisable styles. In Australia, famed as a setting for the end of the world, the vision is often apocalyptic, with stark landscapes and crippling isolation -- from the outback to the cities themselves. It's also spawned numerous talented authors, film-makers and artists, including those like Peter Weir, Alex Proyas and Nick Cave whose successes are on the world stage.

This site is a tribute to the local art of the macabre, and a deeper examination of the themes at work. There's a lot more out there than drop bears.

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