Edwina Grey is a computer programmer, who lives in Sydney with her partner, four cats and 2 corgies. She has a long-standing interest in history and the interaction of diseases with society, both of which come to the fore in Prismatic.
Edwina Grey has also written many stories and articles, as well as game material for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, All Flesh Must Be Eaten (from Eden Games Studios) and Demon the Fallen (from White Wolf).
Reviews of Other Work
Kijin Tea, Agog! Smashing Stories
"Deft, delicate, and yet uncompromising..."
—Jonathan Strahan, Locus
The Bat's Boudoir, Shadowed Realms#9
"...both surreal and beautiful... The text is lyrical and assured."
—Andrew McKiernan, HorrorScope
The Grail, Ticonderoga Online#6
"...as stunning as they are horrifying... it really did tie up the story in a nice neat bow of blood and beauty."
Spanish Flu
You will see the light